Interesting blog on The Huffington Post today. While most student loans are dischargeable in bankruptcy, certain loans that do not suffice as qualified educational expenses will be discharged in a bankruptcy. This does not apply to most bankruptcy debtors, but will for a few.
I did lookup information on the Radio1 Broadcast School and from first glance it looks like any private student loans you have for that school should be easily discharged in bankruptcy specifically because the school does not appear to be or have been a qualified educational institution.
You can click here to find a local bankruptcy attorney and talk to them for free about your specific situation. Get the facts and then you can make an informed and educated decision if bankruptcy is right for you.
But when you do talk to a bankruptcy attorney you will want to make sure they have read These Private Student Loans Can Be Easily Discharged in Bankruptcy.
Common assumptions are that no student loan can be discharged in bankruptcy. Those are people I like to call, wrong.
Not only is that not true, but for some private student loans it is simple to discharge them so you actually have a shot at a reasonable life moving forward.
The Huffington Post: