Mike Duggan wins Tuesday’s Detroit Mayoral Election and for the first time in over 40 years the City of Detroit has a Caucasian Mayor. Duggan overcame several obstacles to simply be allowed on the ballot. He won 55% of the vote and in what seemed to be a tight race. The most important question I […]
Kwame Kilpatrick Sentenced to serve 28 Years in Prison
The biggest news of the day in Detroit, MI has to do with the sentencing of former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. Mr. Kilpatrick had been found guilty of over 24 federal counts against him. Many did not believe that he would be given the maximum sentence allowable under Michigan Law. However, Judge Nancy Edmunds made […]
Polls Show Duggan Leading in Detroit Mayoral Race
Recent polling in the City of Detroit shows that Mike Duggan is leading at a 2-1 margin in the race for Mayor of Detroit. Although the race is far from over this is a substantial lead in the polls. With 6 weeks to go Mr. Duggan has found himself in a favorable spot on top […]
Opponents to Detroit Bankruptcy Ask Judge Rhodes for Support
Thursday was looked at as a land mark day in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. Not only is the unprecedented City Bankruptcy taking place, but the Judge is allowing opponents of the filing state their case candidly as ordinary citizens. This is not business as usual in the Bankruptcy […]
Detroit Bankruptcy News: Creditors Launch Bankrutpcy Case Talks
Hopefully for the City of Detroit, this process will speed up: Detroit — The city and dozens of creditors launched negotiations Tuesday in hopes of striking deals that could speed the Detroit bankruptcy case. Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr and about 90 lawyers representing city pension funds, unions, retirees, the state and bondholders attended the first […]